Analysis in R: More than, Less than! Manipulation of data “fancycut” package


This is an introduction to a package that is useful for creating a specified range of data from the parent data. After manipulation, the data may need to be processed with “unique” commands, but in most cases the range of this package will solve the problem.

Package version is 0.1.2. Checked with R version 4.2.2.


Install Package

Run the following command.

#Install Package


See the command and package help for details.

#Loading the library

###Creating Data#####
TestData <- sample(1:10, 100, replace = TRUE)

#Process with specified data range and label:fancycut command
#"(";not including
FcData <- fancycut(TestData,
                   Small = "[1, 3]", Medium = "(4, 6)", Large = "[8, 10]",
                   na.bucket = "Test", unmatched.bucket = "Test")

#Combine with original data
TeFcData <- data.frame(TestData, FcData)

#table command 
TestData Small Medium Large Test
1      6      0     0      0
2     10      0     0      0
3      8      0     0      0
4      0      0     0     11
5      0     10     0      0
6      0      0     0     13
7      0      0     0      9
8      0      0    11      0
9      0      0    13      0
10     0      0     9      0

#xtabs command
xtabs(~TeFcData[, 2])
TeFcData[, 2]
Small Medium  Large Test 
24     10     33     33 

barplot(xtabs(~TeFcData[, 2]), ylab = "Frequency",
        col = c("#4b61ba", "#deb7a0", "#a87963", "black"))

Output Example

I hope this makes your analysis a little easier !!

Amazon audibleの登録の紹介


Amazon audibleはプロのナレーターが朗読した本をアプリで聞くことができるサービスで、オフライン再生も可能です。通勤や作業のお供にAmazon audibleのご登録はいかがでしょうか。


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