Analysis in R: Presents an example of obtaining color data from a plot


Here is a simple example of how to get a color code from a plot. The packages used are “grid” and “KaradaColor”. The key is the “grid” package.

Each package is up to date at the time of introduction, and execution commands are verified with R version 4.2.3.

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See the command and package help for details.

#Install the grid package if it is not already present
if(!require("grid", quietly = TRUE)){
#Install the KaradaColor package if it is not already present
if(!require("KaradaColor", quietly = TRUE)){

#Create triad color with specified color:KaradaColor::kg_create_tc command
#Create data to be retrieved from clicked coordinates
img <- kg_create_tc(basecols = "green")

#Plot: grid::grid.newpage, grid::grid.raster command
grid.raster(as.matrix(t(img)), width = 1,
            height = unit(0.5, "npc"), interpolate = F)

#Capturing click data: grid::grid.locator command
GetValue <- grid.locator("npc")

#Get color code from data
col_code <- img[trunc(GetValue$x * nrow(img) + unit(1, "npc")), 1]

#Display color codes on console: KaradaColor::kg_show_console command

Output Example

I hope this makes your analysis a little easier !!

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