Analysis in R: “bluepRint” package for plotting various ggplot objects


This is an introduction to a package that allows you to easily plot multiple ggplot2 objects. It would be useful for routine repetitive output, as long as the plot area and plot style are specified.

Package version is Checked with R version 4.2.2.

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Install Package

Run the following command.

#Install Package


See the command and package help for details.

#Loading the library

###Creating Data#####
n <- 30
TestData <- data.frame(Group = sample(paste0("Group", 1:5), n, replace = TRUE),
                       Data1 = rnorm(n),
                       Data2 = rnorm(n) + rnorm(n) + rnorm(n),
                       Data3 = sample(0:1, n, replace = TRUE),
                       Data4 = sample(LETTERS[1:26], n, replace = TRUE))

###Create ggplot2 object#####
BoxPlot <- qplot(data = TestData, x = Group, y = Data1, fill = Group, geom = "boxplot")
PointPlot <- qplot(data = TestData, x = Data2, y = Data1, color = Group, geom = "point") +
BarPlot <- qplot(data = TestData, x = Data4, fill = Data4, geom = "bar") +
  guides(fill = "none")
#Split BarChart by Group
FacetBarPlot <- qplot(data = TestData, x = Data4, fill = Data4, geom = "bar") +
  facet_wrap(~Group, nrow = 1) + guides(fill = "none")

#Place graphs side by side:blueprint command
#Layout style:layout option;"line","square","left_feature"
#Assign A, B, C, D graph labels:label option
#2 plots side by side
blueprint(layout = "line", BoxPlot, PointPlot, label = TRUE)
#3 plots side by side
blueprint(layout = "line", BoxPlot, PointPlot, BarPlot, label = TRUE)
#2*2 plot
blueprint(layout = "square", BoxPlot, PointPlot, BarPlot, FacetBarPlot, label = TRUE)
#One large plot on the left, two plotted up and down on the right
blueprint(layout = "left_feature", BoxPlot, PointPlot, BarPlot, label = TRUE)

Output Example

・2 plots side by side


・3 plots side by side


・2*2 plot


・One large plot on the left, two plotted up and down on the right


I hope this makes your analysis a little easier !!

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